Friday, August 28, 2020
Overview of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History
Outline of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History Not long after the Trojan War, Greece fell into a dull age about which we know close to nothing. With the arrival of education toward the start of the eighth century, BCE came the finish of the dim age and the beginning of what is known as the Archaic Age. Notwithstanding the scholarly work of the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey (known as Homer, regardless of whether he really thought of one or both), there were accounts of creation told by Hesiod. Together these two incredible epic writers made what turned into the standard strict stories known and told about the predecessors of the Hellenes (Greeks). These were the divine beings and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. Ascent of the Polis During the Archaic Age, recently separated networks came into expanded contact with each other. Before long the networks joined to praise the panhellenic (every Greek) game. As of now, the government (celebrated in the Iliad) offered approach to gentries. In Athens, Draco recorded what had recently been oral laws, the establishments of majority rule government developed, dictators came to control, and, as certain families left the little independent homesteads to attempt their part in a urban zone, the polis (city-state) started. Significant turns of events and significant figures associated with the rising polis in the Archaic time inclue: Four Tribes of AthensSolon the Law-Giver of AthensCleisthenes and the 10 TribesOlympic Games Economy While the city had commercial centers, business and exchange were viewed as ruining. Think: Love of cash is the foundation of all insidious. A trade was important to satisfy theâ needs for family, companions, or network. It was not just for benefit. The perfect was to live independently on a ranch. Principles for legitimate conduct for residents made a few assignments corrupting. There were captives to accomplish the work that was underneath the nobility of a resident. In spite of protection from cash making, before the finish of the Archaic Age, coinage had started, which advanced exchange. Greek Expansion The Archaic Age was a period of extension. Greeks from the terrain set out to settle the Ionian coast. There they had contact with the original thoughts of local populaces in Asia Minor. Certain Milesian pioneers started to scrutinize their general surroundings, to search for an example throughout everyday life or universe, in this way turning into the primary savants. New Art Forms At the point when the Greeks found (or developed) the 7-string lyre, they delivered another music to go with it. We know a portion of the words they sang in the new ic mode from the pieces composed by such artists as Sappho and Alcaeus, both from the island of Lesbos. Toward the start of the Archaic age, sculptures imitated the Egyptian, seeming unbending and stationary, however before the finish of the period and the start of the Classical Age, sculptures looked human and practically exact. End of the Archaic Age Following the Archaic Age was the Classical Age. The Archaic Age finished either after the Pisistratid despots (Peisistratus [Pisistratus] and his children) or the Persian Wars. The Word Archaic Old originates from the Greek arche starting (as in the first place was the word....). Students of history of the Archaic and Classical Period HerodotusPlutarchStraboPausaniasThucydidesDionorus SiculusXenophonDemosthenesAeschinesNeposJustin
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Frst Genuine System of Federal Government Essay
The Frst Genuine System of Federal Government - Essay Example From this conversation it is clear thatâ grandfather Franklin was progressively saved, however with nudging he excessively got energized and animated.â Grandfather Jefferson would consider him a Deist, a man of science, and contend that he supported an end of strict confidence from American administration instead of a minor detachment of chapel and state.â This consistently served to begin Grandfather Franklin talking.â He revealed to us that strict confidence was a fundamental piece of our philosophical legacy, that while it prompted persecution when mishandled, it additionally worked as an essential part of our culture.â He disclosed to us that he supported religion, inasmuch as it was sufficiently protected from legislative issues and from state affairs.This paper features thatâ the journalist's granddads clung to a similar fundamental story of the Founding Fathers, and they themselves appreciated the establishing philosophies.â They concurred that America was right to conclude that regular laws should oversee our jobs as individual residents and that legislature should be intended to regard the individual.â They concurred that amazing governments were hazardous, a danger to these characteristic laws, and that is was important to execute a progression of balanced governance all together for these goals to persist.â They both conceded to the partition of chapel and state, and the two of them concurred that strict qualities by the by remained valuable.â They both tried to isolate the legislature into discrete branches.
Friday, August 21, 2020
One Foot in Eden free essay sample
It is difficult to experience existence without making any. What we pick can characterize us, can cut off a piece of our life that, had we picked in an unexpected way, could have prompted something totally extraordinary. Numerous things can impact our decisions, from ethics, to peers, to encounter. Ordinarily, it is our own ethics and sentiments that choose what we do. How we were raised, what we were educated, and what we have gotten en route. Family has an enormous impact in our choices. Numerous individuals consider what somebody in their family would do when confronted with a troublesome choice. In One Foot in Eden, Amy gauges the advantages and disadvantages of laying down with Holland to get pregnant. She cautiously contemplates what her better half would do on the off chance that he discovered. This might be an awful model, as she chooses to lay down with him in any case. Additionally, basic things that we learn in school permit us to make instructive decisions. We will compose a custom paper test on One Foot in Eden or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Companions likewise assume a noteworthy job. It is practically human instinct to satisfy others, or to fit in. Something we would not typically do, we do to make others like us. We may likewise abstain from acting a specific way that may keep others from tolerating us. This is the reason usually teenagers start smoking, or doing some different hazardous propensity, all to ââ¬Å"be cool. â⬠Our encounters shape a large number of our decisions. In the event that we know for a fact that we will get a terrible or agonizing reaction to an activity, we keep away from that activity. We will likewise over and over settle on decisions that produce a decent or lovely impact. We face numerous impediments by experimentation, and on the off chance that we have accomplished something previously, we comprehend what activities inspire what reactions. Taking everything into account, our decisions, regardless of whether they are produced using our encounters, our friends, or our ethics, monstrously influence our lives. The variables that impact our decisions, be they fortunate or unfortunate, are legitimately identified with the result of those choices.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Key to Successful Disease Research Paper
The Key to Successful Disease Research Paper At more advanced phases of PAD, rest pain can occur whenever your legs are elevated at night due to extremely bad the flow of blood and the shortage of gravity to aid with circulation. If the flow of blood is limited, so is your capacity to be active. The precise causes of Alzheimer's disease continue to be unknown. Blood tests searching for signals of diabetes, kidney disease and higher cholesterol may be carried out. Alzheimer's disease research is now being tackled from a number of sides. Scientists have identified 270 distinct mutations that can either reduce production or stop the complete purpose of protein C. They have described two forms of vitelliform macular dystrophy with similar features. The research procedure is extremely lengthy and cannot be carried out in an effortless way. Many experts think that though there are several inevitable aspects, there are some risks that may eliminate. In the end, if any of the a bove mentioned non-invasive tests have revealed a substantial abnormality, you can undergo an invasive, catheter angiogram which may serve as both a test and a therapy. Our company does produce excellent research papers for sale because we don't aim at making money where by we have to employ writers that are under qualified. Reliable writing companies offer you the maximum quality Spanish custom made research papers. An excellent research paper writing company is an amazing company that gives students with internet research paper help. A trusted research paper writing services provider should enable clients to receive plagiarism free customized research papers online all of the times. The status is congenital and characterized by means of a malformation of the huge toe that's present at birth. The diagnosis of PAD starts with a very simple examination by your physician or podiatrist. Treatment is dependent upon the particular disease you've got and on the patient's circumst ances. Alzheimer's disease is also regarded as a burden on the healthcare system. The Benefits of Disease Research Paper Make certain that you get a comprehensive idea on the best way to do research before you truly start with this. When you're looking for information to back up your arguments or to obtain much better insight on this issue you're writing, make sure you note the original sources. The topic shouldn't be a wide field, but a particular case within the extensive area of the researcher's interest. Example of statement of the issue in research paper is the description of a particular difficulty or lack that needs a solution or at least research, so as to check whether it can be correctly solved. Following are a few of the suggested sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to choose a great topic for their assignment. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Aggressive and Assertive Communication - 2482 Words
This paper will be based on a real life working situation where aggressive communication was displayed. The essay will start off with the importance of handling interpersonal conflict. It will go on to discuss about aggressive and assertive communication, its advantages as well as its disadvantages. The scenario will then be explained in accordance to the relevant communication style displayed. This essay would exemplify how aggressive communication makes situations worst through the scenario. Aggressive communication will only escalate the conflict further; unlike assertive communication which would be able to rectify the situation. Communication channel Organizational communication is the process where information is exchanged andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Disadvantages of aggressive communication Aggressive communication begets aggressive communication which escalates the situation and creates more trouble then resolving it (Mongrain Vettese, 2003). Aggressiveness produces two negative effects; self-concept damage and aggression escalation, which then lead to reduced trust, relationship deterioration, and relationship termination (Kassing Avtgis, 1999). According to Infante Gorden (1985), employees are more satisfied when supervisors are not likely to be verbally aggressive. Verbal aggressiveness is also viewed as dissatisfactory performance (Gorden, Infante Izzo, 1988) and should not be practiced. What defines assertive communication? According to Veazie (2005), assertive communication is when there is equal communication style. This means that both parties have almost the same amount of chance to speak and listen to one another. It also implies that both parties are communicating the same way, meaning voicing out thoughts rationally and not having one party shouting expletives at the other while the other gets intimidated and avoid the conversation. Assertiveness can be described as the ability to stand up for yourself, communicate your rights without offending others (Mongrain Vettese, 2003) and stop others from taking advantage (Scott, 2006). Assertive behavior is most frequently defined as representing theShow MoreRelatedThe Co Cultural Theory : A Wide Range Of Diversity Essay1324 Words à |à 6 Pagesare three approaches of communication; non-assertive, assertive and aggressive. There are also three preferred outcomes; assimilation, accommodation and separation (Lapinski Orbe, 2007). A non-assertive approach is when a cultural group places the needs of others before their own is reserved, passive and is non-confrontational. A minority member may highlight the differences between their minority group and a dominant minority group. An assertive approach to communication involves passionate, expressiveRead More Being Assertive Essay1301 Words à |à 6 PagesBeing Assertive Assertiveness is an ability to take action in a positive, sincere, respectful, and confident way. It is also an ability to communicate directly using language that is to the point, taking initiative, focusing on solutions, addressing problems, taking ownership of problems, and bringing the problems to a close. Assertiveness can also mean being firm, patient, persistent, pushing someone into action, encouraging, and not compromising on the solution to the problem. AssertivenessRead MoreEssay on Effective Assertive Management1308 Words à |à 6 Pagesthem from being assertive. They are: poor communication skills, low self-esteem, and a fear of conflict. An assertive response would be: I have some concerns about whether the idea will work. My concerns includeÃâ¦.Please help me to clear up my misunderstandings. The assertive person does not focus on winning as such, but rather on negotiating changes to benefit himself or herself and the other parties involved. They are very clear on what they want to accomplish. The communication needs to be plannedRead MoreA Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the Skill of Assertiveness1545 Words à |à 7 Pagesour own best interests, to stand up for ourselves without undue anxiety, to exercise personal rights without denying the rights of others, and to express our feelings honestly and comfortably (Alberti amp; Emmons, 2008). Within interpersonal communication, the skill of assertion is absolutely vital; it is a skill we are constantly utilising either consciously or unconsciously. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Tiger Woods Apology Press Conference Essay - 3470 Words
Crisis Communication: Tiger Woods Scandal Rashaad Thomas UMUC Crisis Communication: Tiger Woods Scandal November 29, 2009 was a day that changed the lives of Tiger Woods and everyone involved in his circle. What started out as a crash into a tree outside his home later turned into months of scandal that resulted in lost business partners and ultimately his marriage five years to Elin Nordegren. From that time on, Tiger was in a free fall as mistress after mistress stepped forward admitting to affairs with Woods. There was no communication from Woodsââ¬â¢ camp until February 19, 2010. This day, he issued a press conference with those attending including his mother, issuing an apology to his fans, friends and business partnersâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He focused his apology towards his fans, business partners and family. Those business partners were specifically interested because if the public hated Tiger Woods, how would Tiger Woods make money for them? I will use parts of his speech to explain the strategies. Bolstering there were times throughout the statement where Woodsââ¬â¢ comments leaned more towards bolstering as he provided details about all of the positive work that his foundation does and how much he will continue to do such good work despite whatââ¬â¢s going on. As stated by Tiger (Woods, 2010, p. 2): To everyone involved in my foundation, including my staff, board of directors, sponsors, and most importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteen years ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education. This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow. From the Learning Center students in Southern California, to the Earl Woods Scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues. Attacking the Accuser Tiger also went on the offensive directing stern warnings towards the media. While speaking on the topic of his children, he admonished the media for following hisShow MoreRelatedTiger Woods Case At The Age Of 201362 Words à |à 6 PagesTiger Woods Case In 1996, Tiger Woods had decided to become a professional golfer at the age of 20. In that same year he won a PGA tournament and the Walt Disney World/Oldsmobile Classic. He was awarded Rookie of the Year as well as Sportsman of the Year. Before Woods even turned pro he was being compared to golf legend Jack Nicklaus. (Crain, 1996). Tiger Woods had attracted and exposed a new type of demographic to the game of golf. The following year Woods, who is a minority had become the youngestRead MoreScandal, Bribery, And Corruption2047 Words à |à 9 Pagesa crisis communication concept which aims to categorize the strategies used in rhetoric to apologize, defend oneself, and restore an individual or organization s image. Theorist have studied famous speeches and situations from Bill Clinton to Tiger woods, using apologia as the lens to understand how we react in times of crisis. In the case of the recent bribing scandal involving Eric Black, a Southampton Football Club assistant manager, cr isis communication and apologia strategies were key. ThisRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 PagesWar Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright à © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentiethRead MoreStephen P. 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If you get lost in the woods and no one responds to your calls, walk downhill until you come to a stream. Then walk downstream; youll eventually come to a town.49 ââ" 22. Identify the discount claim and the discount indicator in the following passage. Svetlana came over thisRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words à |à 702 Pagestakers. Eventually they went the venture capital route. But Brin and Page insisted on keeping control of Googleââ¬â¢s destiny and remain majority owners, or it was no deal. On June 7, 1999, less than one year after they left Stanford, they issued a press release announcing that two venture capital firms, Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital, were investing $25 million in Google. On the Stanford campus and around Palo Alto, amazement reigned at the enormity of the sum seemingly without the two giving Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words à |à 1186 .htm?UserName=Larson References Ball Parks of Baseball, ââ¬Å"Cisco Field,â⬠ CiscoField.htm (accessed June 2, 2009). Benko, C., and F. W. McFarlan, Connecting the Dots (Boston: HBS Press, 2003). Cohen, D. J., and R. J. Graham, The Project Managerââ¬â¢s MBA (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001). Faylor, C., ââ¬Å"Next Generation Wii Is Rumored to Hit the Market in 2011,â⬠ (Oct. 1, 2008). Kay, J., ââ¬Å"US Box Office Spellbound by HarryRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words à |à 1351 Pageshimself which of them he could possibly have predicted 10 years agoââ¬â¢. What Drucker does not take into account is the vital level of resolution: our interest over a 10-year period may be more in the continued existence of The Times, or even of a free press, than in specific headlines, because the level of resolution would have to be relatively low (i.e. broad horizons, broad view, little detail). A balance must be maintained in dealing with the short-run future on the one hand and the long-run future
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cause and Effect of Sleep deprivation free essay sample
Principles of Sociology Angeline Ayala Professor Mary James Everest University I am a firm believer that many factors such as our culture, our upbringing, and beliefs that we were introduced to all affects what we do, how we live and even what we eat! People in China, Vietnam and Switzerland have been known to eat dogs for thousands of year, some as a source of survival during war and famine while others eat it as a cuisine meaning it is a part of their regular diet! Iââ¬â¢ve even read somewhere that people in China have been known to say that a huge reason they consume dog meat is to keep them warm in the harsh winters! Have they heard of a jacket and hot coco? They donââ¬â¢t see it any different from eating cows and pigs, but someone like me thinks that is disgusting! I see people all the time whose treat their dog as their best friend, Iââ¬â¢ve heard that when you begin to grow attached to your dog you soon see them as people. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause and Effect of Sleep deprivation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I could never imagine it being okay to eat a dog! Functionalism has a lot to do with this also when you come to think of it. This tradition has been the norm in these places for years! It wasnââ¬â¢t until recently that proposed laws have been presented to implement a law that bans the eating of cats and dogs. Americans are truly the people of the land of the free and are strong believers that a dog is a mans best friend, in my opinion. Beating, not feeding, and mistreating dogs are all violations of the law, neglect, and animal abuse! I could not even imagine hearing a story of someone eating one! It is common knowledge here that dogs are like people and should be treated as such and so they are not put on a dinner plate, at least the way I view things. I strongly feel that our individual believes and knowledge is the reason we eat what we eat, they are culturally relative in more ways that one. This definitely is a beautiful thing as everyone can be their own person and act how they feel but this causes cultural diversity conflict all the time! Take this scenario for instance; two people are meeting for a blind date and obviously know nothing about one another. It becomes time to order and the woman is disgusted by the menu because everything is meat and fat of the meat from some type of animal, see, sheââ¬â¢s vegetarian. The woman loves animals and does not believe in eating them and this sparks a conversation. Do you think itââ¬â¢s a good one as her date has already ordered the number four, which is the half slab of baby back ribs with chicken shish kabobs, and a side of pork rings? I can imagine that she stormed out of there after giving him a good lecture. Though her actions are understandable they arenââ¬â¢t quite right. Ethnocentrism would be the perfect would to explain that situation! The woman thinks that he beliefs are the right ones and that the man is wrong for eating what he loves to eat! Ethnocentrism is when you believe that your culture, your beliefs are better than everyone elseââ¬â¢s and only yours make sense! This is a big reason there is conflict within cultures. Instead of using cultural relativism and trying to understand others point of view or even just accepting it as their choice we fight for what we think is the right way, the only way. Interactionism helps us understand that our mind plays a role in our how what our body does including why we eat or donââ¬â¢t eat what we eat. I love dogs, so I would vomit at the thought of eating one. However, once again this doesnââ¬â¢t mean I should hate someone that eats it as a dish at home. Being open and understanding can truly help because just as the conflict theory states that there is a power struggle between cultures, these cultures have the power to become knowledgeable of one another and ultimately obtain culture relativism. Cause and Effect of Sleep deprivation free essay sample I am a firm believer that many factors such as our culture, our upbringing, and beliefs that we were introduced to all affects what we do, how we live and even what we eat! People in China, Vietnam and Switzerland have been known to eat dogs for thousands of year, some as a source of survival during war and famine while others eat it as a cuisine meaning it is a part of their regular diet! Iââ¬â¢ve even read somewhere that people in China have been known to say that a huge reason they consume dog meat is to keep them warm in the harsh winters! Have they heard of a jacket and hot coco? They donââ¬â¢t see it any different from eating cows and pigs, but someone like me thinks that is disgusting! I see people all the time whose treat their dog as their best friend, Iââ¬â¢ve heard that when you begin to grow attached to your dog you soon see them as people. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause and Effect of Sleep deprivation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I could never imagine it being okay to eat a dog! Functionalism has a lot to do with this also when you come to think of it. This tradition has been the norm in these places for years! It wasnââ¬â¢t until recently that proposed laws have been presented to implement a law that bans the eating of cats and dogs. Americans are truly the people of the land of the free and are strong believers that a dog is a mans best friend, in my opinion. Beating, not feeding, and mistreating dogs are all violations of the law, neglect, and animal abuse! I could not even imagine hearing a story of someone eating one! It is common knowledge here that dogs are like people and should be treated as such and so they are not put on a dinner plate, at least the way I view things. I strongly feel that our individual believes and knowledge is the reason we eat what we eat, they are culturally relative in more ways that one. This definitely is a beautiful thing as everyone can be their own person and act how they feel but this causes cultural diversity conflict all the time! Take this scenario for instance; two people are meeting for a blind date and obviously know nothing about one another. It becomes time to order and the woman is disgusted by the menu because everything is meat and fat of the meat from some type of animal, see, sheââ¬â¢s vegetarian. The woman loves animals and does not believe in eating them and this sparks a conversation. Do you think itââ¬â¢s a good one as her date has already ordered the number four, which is the half slab of baby back ribs with chicken shish kabobs, and a side of pork rings? I can imagine that she stormed out of there after giving him a good lecture. Though her actions are understandable they arenââ¬â¢t quite right. Ethnocentrism would be the perfect would to explain that situation! The woman thinks that he beliefs are the right ones and that the man is wrong for eating what he loves to eat! Ethnocentrism is when you believe that your culture, your beliefs are better than everyone elseââ¬â¢s and only yours make sense! This is a big reason there is conflict within cultures. Instead of using cultural relativism and trying to understand others point of view or even just accepting it as their choice we fight for what we think is the right way, the only way. Interactionism helps us understand that our mind plays a role in our how what our body does including why we eat or donââ¬â¢t eat what we eat. I love dogs, so I would vomit at the thought of eating one. However, once again this doesnââ¬â¢t mean I should hate someone that eats it as a dish at home. Being open and understanding can truly help because just as the conflict theory states that there is a power struggle between cultures, these cultures have the power to become knowledgeable of one another and ultimately obtain culture relativism.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Black Holes Essay Research Paper Black HolesThere free essay sample
Black Holes Essay, Research Paper Black Holes There are many unusual and fantastic phenomenons being discovered throughout our Universe. One of the most challenging is the construct of a black hole in infinite. Astronomers have discovered a black hole merely 1,600 light old ages off from Earth. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory cataloged this black hole in the configuration Sagittari on a star called V4641. A black hole is one signifier of a dead star. A star has three picks when it dies, it can: shrivel until it is a white midget, shrink until it is a neutron star, or maintain on shriveling until it is a point in infinite with an infinite denseness known as a black hole. A black hole is an highly heavy outer infinite organic structure that has been theorized to be in the existence. The gravitative field of a black hole is so strong that, if the organic structure is big plenty, nil, including electromagnetic radiation, can get away from its country. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Holes Essay Research Paper Black HolesThere or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The organic structure is surrounded by a spherical boundary, called a skyline, through which visible radiation can come in but non escape ; it hence appears wholly black. The thought of a mass concentration so heavy that even light would be trapped goes all the manner back to Laplace in the eighteenth century. Almost instantly after Einstein developed general relativity, Karl Schwarzschild discovered a mathematical solution to the equations of the theory that described such an object. The radius of the skyline of a Schwarzschild black hole depends merely on the mass of the organic structure, being 2.95 kilometer ( 1.83 myocardial infarction ) times the mass of the organic structure in solar units ( the mass of the organic structure divided by the mass of the Sun ) . If a organic structure is electrically charged or revolving, Schwarzschild # 8217 ; s consequences are modified. Harmonizing to general relativity, gravity badly modifies infinite and clip near a black hole. As the skyline is approached from outside, clip slows down comparative to that of distant perceivers, halting wholly on the skyline. Once a organic structure has contracted within its Schwarzschild radius ( radius of the skyline ) , it would theoretically fall in to a dimensionless object of infinite denseness. Although Schwarzschild discovered black holes, it wasn # 8217 ; t until much later with the work of people such as Oppenheimer, Volkoff, and Snyder in the 1930 # 8217 ; s, that people thought earnestly about the possibility that such objects might really be in the Universe. These rhenium seekers showed that when a sufficiently monolithic star runs out of fuel, it is unable to back up itself against its ain gravitative pull, and it should fall in into a black hole. In general relativity, gravitation is a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime. Massive objects distort infinite and clip, so that the usual regulations of geometry Don # 8217 ; t use any longer. Near a black hole, this deformation of infinite is highly terrible and causes black holes to hold some really unusual belongingss. In peculiar, a black hole has something called an # 8216 ; event horizon. # 8217 ; This is a spherical surface that marks the boundary of the black hole. You can go through in through the skyline, but you can # 8217 ; t acquire back out. In fact, one time you # 8217 ; ve crossed the skyline, you # 8217 ; rhenium doomed to travel inexorably closer and closer to the # 8217 ; uniqueness # 8217 ; at the centre of the black hole. You can believe of the skyline as the topographic point where the flight speed equals the speed of visible radiation. Outside of the skyline, the flight speed is less than the velocity of visible radiation, so if you fire your projectiles hard plenty, you can give yourself adequate energy to acquire off. But if you find yourself inside the skyline, so no affair how powerful your projectiles are, you can # 8217 ; t flight. The skyline has some really unusual geometrical belongingss. To an perceiver who is sitting still someplace far off from the black hole, the skyline seems to be a nice, inactive, nonmoving spherical surface. But one time you get close to the skyline, you realize that it has a really big speed. In fact, it is traveling outward at the velocity of visible radiation! That explains why it is easy to traverse the skyline in the inward way, but impossible to acquire back out. Since the skyline is traveling out at the velocity of visible radiation, in order to get away back across it, you would hold to go faster than visible radiation. You can # 8217 ; t go faster than light, and so you can # 8217 ; t flight from the black hole. Scientists had no cogent evidence that black holes existed until 1994, when the Hubble Space Telescope uncovered the first convincing grounds that black holes exist in Galaxy M87. Second and 3rd black holes were discovered in 1995 in Galaxy NGC 4258 and NGC 4261. By the way, the name # 8216 ; black hole # 8217 ; was invented by John Archibald Wheeler, and seems to hold stuck because it was much catchier than old names. Before Wheeler came along, these objects were frequently referred to as # 8216 ; frozen stars. # 8217 ;
Thursday, March 12, 2020
L.A. CONFIDENTIAL MOVIE essays The Bad Cop I was not really interested in seeing LA Confidential since everyone I knew who went to see it had bad things to say-too long, too boring, too confusing. After watching the movie, I became very interested in the movie. Its rare to see a movie with great acting and a story that keeps me wondering whats going to happen next. LA Confidential is a crime-drama adapted from an infamous novel written by James Ellroy. Curtis Hanson directs the movie. The film looks and feels like what you might imagine LA to have looked like in the 1950s. The plot of the story is laid out through they eyes of Sid Hudges, a local publisher of a magazine called Hush-Hush. Hudges uses his magazine to publicize the private lifestyles of the well-known citizens of Los Angeles. The frame of the story is the tax bust of a mobster, which left LA wide open to organized crime. A mass murder in an all night restaurant turns into a case of missing heroin and high class pimps; corrupt cops; straight and gay s ex and blackmail and tabloid manipulation events. LA Confidential is a tale of cops more crooked than the criminals they bust. One particular cop, Bud White, is known for beating confessions out of suspects. Bud White is one of the main characters in the movie. This essay will be focused on the role of Bud White in LA Confidential. Throughout the movie Bud White is portrayed to have a personal hatred for women abusers. At the beginning of the movie, Bud and two other officers are seen sitting in a car, observing a man beating his wife. Officer White gets out the car, approaches the house, and then pulls the familys Christmas assortment off the roof. When the man comes outside to see what the ruckus is all about, Bud White immediately begins to beat him. Afterwards, Bud handcuffs the man to a rail. In another seen from the movie, Mr. White is seen leaving a bar. When Bud White exits the bar, he notices a women sitting in a car with two men....
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Various Ways Government Interacts with the Economy Essay
Various Ways Government Interacts with the Economy - Essay Example To safeguard this, the government has prohibited the following activities: This is an agreement between two or more competitors in form of price fixing and market allocation, and involves an agreement in which one party of a group of bidders will be designated to win the bid. For example government construction contracts being determined by bid. This type of conspiracy is termed to be illegal therefore it is prohibited by the government. This is an agreement between the competitors selling the same product or services to fix, peg, discount or stabilize prices. This pushes the price of the product high hence the businesses make huge profit after exploiting the consumers. In the United States, price fixing is prosecuted under section 1 of the Sherman Act as a criminal felony offence. (APA, 2000) This is lack of compatibility between different systems and is often used in computer industry. This is whereby the different companies create different versions of the same systems that cannot inter-operate therefore forcing the consumer to purchase the spare parts from the same manufacturer only. (Arthur, 1989) This is the practice of making the sale of one good to the de facto or de jure customer conditional on the purchase of a second distinctive good. Selling printers below cost or at a loss and recovering the amount on the sale of cartilages.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
English Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
English Exam - Assignment Example The book focuses on African- American relationship of Jim a young man who lives in the Mississippi river. One of the major concerns is the use of the word ââ¬Ënigger,ââ¬â¢ which is disliked by most readers and critics. In estimation, the word appears 215 times making the book to be banned from most of the classrooms in United States. The writing styles, the themes, and the language are not fit for the book to be used in a classroom setting. A major concern is the type of language used and the nature of racial discrimination that is illustrated by these pieces of arts (Born to Trouble). The books and the movies show in details the origin of the word ââ¬Ëniggerââ¬â¢ and how the blacks were mistreated, hanged, and killed while being called the name. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn book is important as a historic book drawing a clear line on the treatment of the blacks by the whites. The book is most important in the curriculum since it clearly speaks and brings out the issue of racial discrimination, racial language, racial inequality, and many racial concerns that most white Americans fear and always avoid. It is for this reason that most of the parents and critics advocate for its banning. Twain himself shows a greater understanding of racism (Classic Literature). From these pieces of art, immorality has been expressed which is one of the shortcomings that has embraced most of the cities and states in the US. For example, Twainââ¬â¢s phrases that clearly indicate that the book is both immoral and vulgar in the way it presents itself hence not fit for the society. Twain writes, "Those idiots in Concord are not a court of last resort and I am not disturbed by their moral gymnastics.â⬠From the Simpsonââ¬â¢s we also observe cases of immorality especially when Homer the Heretic decides not to go to church but watch TV while drinking waffle batters and loafs while wearing his underwear. In addition to this, women have been used as symbols of sex and are observed as objects for sexual gratitude. For example, in the episode, I love Lisa, Lisa give Ralph a valentineââ¬â¢s card and Ralph interprets this as Lisa being in love with him. In the book the Custom of the Country, Ralph also considers Undine a sexual object. This is also widely shown with Twain in his book in abusive ways. Women have also been portrayed as lonely and hopeless people in these pieces of art. This is evident when Undine in the book Custom of the Country becomes pregnant and later neglects her son. This is because she did not like her in-laws and therefore felt so lonely to an extent of neglecting her own son. On the other hand, the Simpson season 4, Aunt Selma believes that getting a baby is the only way, which is able to relieve her of her loneliness. Question 2 Mad men season 1 themes of immorality, corruption, lies, and deception can be compared to Whartonââ¬â¢s The Custom of the Country. Peggy is suffering from sexual harassment from her male c olleagues at work. Peggy sleeps with Pete Campbell on his bachelorââ¬â¢s party just the eve before he gets married who is her junior accounts manager. On the other hand, Don is cheating on her depressed wife Betty. Roger Sterling is also cheating on his wife Mona. All these are cases of immorality in season 1 of the mad men. In comparison to The Custom of the Country Undine although married engage in an affair with Peter Van
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Elder Mistreatment Essay Example for Free
Elder Mistreatment Essay Old age is generally a time for great life changes, stresses, and multiple losses for a maturing adult. An individualââ¬â¢s capacity to manage stress fluctuates with age. There are optimism and positive energy in youth, along with physical stamina to meet demands of life and cope up with conflict. With advancing age, and consequent physical illness, bereavement and fears, people suffer a deterioration of their mental stamina in negotiating challenges of life (Gonzalez et al. , 1988, 15). With an increasing sense of loneliness and insecurity about life, aging adult face a completely different level of problems that relate more to continuity, meaning and purposefulness of life, rather than meeting its material accomplishments. Elder mistreatment: Definition Defining elder mistreatment requires due consideration of a number of factors that vary from victim profiles to type and degree of abuse. Therefore to standardize its definition, elder mistreatment has been described as a process that starts with being overwhelmed that leads to abuse, mistreatment and neglect that causes suffering and pain for the victim (Johnson, 1991). Elder mistreatment deals with such issues as maltreatment, neglect, abuse, domestic violence, conflict and lapse in care management and physical and financial exploitation (Elder Abuse). Despite all the health management plans the fact remains that elder people are very vulnerable when it comes to health care. They are easily susceptible to diseases, illness, injuries, and psychological traumas that are consequences of aging (Pillemer and Wolf, 1986). These circumstances lead to abuse owing to isolation of According to national surveys, more than 49 percent of elder population reports abuse that range from neglect in providing basic amenities such as food, water, medicines, shelter, clothing, and timely medical treatment to denial of emotional and psychological support (Elder Abuse) With significant increase in Americaââ¬â¢s elder population, providing adequate elder care at family, social, and institutional level has become a major issue. The public conscience level for the major problems facing old age people are neglect, mistreatment and mismanagement in care related aspects has seen greater academic research to find out the causative factors behind elder neglect and mistreatment. Precipitators in elder mistreatment Contrary to the general perception of American family as one that is caring, considerate and loving towards its elder members, researches in elder neglect and abuse have shown that most of the neglect and mistreatment is inflicted at the hands of close family members (Pillemer and Wolf, 1986). In a report by National Elder Abuse Incidence Study on elder abuse, it was shown that majority of abuse on people aged 60 or more takes place in domestic quarters at hands of family members (Bergeron and Gray, 2003). Close relatives such as siblings, children and in several cases even spouses have been found to be responsible for neglect and abuse. Earlier conceptions of families being a safe heaven for elderly population received setback as definition of neglect broadened to comprise sensitive issues of psychological support, emotional care, empathy and understanding (Douglass et al, 1984). An issue of grave concern is the findings pointing to elder abuse and mistreatment taking place at professional health care and nursing institutions by nursing staff that is specifically trained for taking adequate care of elderly people (Johnson, 1991) Types of mistreatment afflicting elders Elder population suffers a wide range of mistreatment and abuse. The major types of mistreatments as described at Elder Abuse Help Guide are 1. Physical abuse of Elders: It includes physically maltreating old people, assaulting, beating, pushing, using physical restraints and manhandling. Physical abuse is relatively a rare phenomenon. à 2.à Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse of elders includes verbal or non verbal expression of disconcert, insult, blame, verbal harassment, ridicule, intimidation, and yelling on part of care takers. Emotional mistreatment is one of most frequent and commonly occurring abuse that elders suffer throughout the nation. 3. Neglect: Elder neglect involves ignorance of basic needs and requirements of aged people, lack of shelter, absence of supervision and monitoring, deliberate delay or denial in providing medical care and inadequate personal and hygienic care. 4. Emotional Neglect: Emotional neglect leads to severe stress among old people.à They are deliberately ignored, left to fend for themselves, not taken care of in such activities in which they require support and help of care-takers. 5. Financial Abuse: Elders are often abused financially by exploiting their financial resources and denying them the privileges of their own assets. Elders subjected to financial abuse are often deliberately isolated from rest of world by their caretakers to avoid exposure and detection of their fraud. Financial abuse of elders is a common occurrence when elders are not staying with their blood-relatives but with near relatives or friends. Reasons and warnings of abuse In the researches in elder abuse, a pertinent focus of researchers has been on the causes that lead people to inflict abuse and mistreatment on people that are vulnerable, dependent and in need of love, care and emotional and often material support (Johnson, 1991). Finding the reasons for abuse becomes critical as it also acts as pointer to possible cases of abuses and mistreatment in many social and community settings where cases of abuse are not reported out of their sensitive nature. In explaining the cause of abuse, Bonnie and Wallace (2002) have presented a detailed socio-cultural model that identifies underlying processes in abuse Overview of model of elder mistreatment Meanwhile extensive research by a number of academicians and scholars has further helped to create a structured profile of abuser. An elderly person may be undergoing abuse or is highly susceptible for it when the caretakers show psychopathological tendencies, trans-generational discrepancies, stressful life, economic hardships, burnout, drug-dependency, drinking problem, degree of dependence that is greater than care takersââ¬â¢ ability to handle, coercive and dominating nature of caretaker, inexperience, lack of sympathy and inability to feel empathy (Anetzberger , 1987; Anastasio , 1981;Johnson, 1991). Elders may also be suffering abuse if they show constant fear of their care-giver, if there is a confrontational atmosphere around, and if they are get suddenly isolated, uncommunicative and pensive. Preventing Elder Abuse It is a poignant fact that elders themselves can do little in preventing their abuse. In case of people who are completely dependent on care-givers, such as Alzheimerââ¬â¢s patients and terminally ill patients, their survival depends on the care-givers and hence they rarely report abuse incidents out of fear of antagonizing their care-givers. Therefore to prevent elder abuse requires a broad program that should focus on development of services for elderly care, training sessions for care givers, initiation and integration of family members in the elderly care programs. Moreover, it is vital to pass the message that adequate, compassionate and empathic care of elders is a holistic issue, one that has long term defining impact on social culture and ethics.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Neonates and Birth :: Pregnancy Health Neonatal Essays
Neonates and Birth Neonates have no psychology. If operated upon, for instance, they are not supposed to show signs of trauma later on in life. Birth, according to this school of thought is of no psychological consequence to the newborn baby. It is immeasurably more important to his "primary caregiver" (mother) and to her supporters (read: father and other members of the family). It is through them that the baby is, supposedly, effected. This effect is evident in his (I will use the male form only for convenience's sake) ability to bond. The late Karl Sagan professed to possess the diametrically opposed view when he compared the process of death to that of being born. He was commenting upon the numerous testimonies of people brought back to life following their confirmed, clinical death. Most of them shared an experience of traversing a dark tunnel. A combination of soft light and soothing voices and the figures of their deceased nearest and dearest awaited them at the end of this tunnel. All those who experienced it described the light as the manifestation of an omnipotent, benevolent being. The tunnel - suggested Sagan - is a rendition of the mother's tract. The process of birth involves gradual exposure to light and to the figures of humans. Clinical death experiences only recreate birth experiences. The womb is a self-contained though open (not self-sufficient) ecosystem. The Baby's Planet is spatially confined, almost devoid of light and homeostatic. The fetus breathes liquid oxygen, rather than the gaseous variant. He is subjected to an unending barrage of noises, most of them rhythmical. Otherwise, there are very few stimuli to elicit any of his fixed action responses. There, dependent and protected, his world lacks the most evident features of ours. There are no dimensions where there is no light. There is no "inside" and "outside", "self" and "others", "extension" and "main body", "here" and "there". Our Planet is exactly converse. There could be no greater disparity. In this sense - and it is not a restricted sense at all - the baby is an alien. He has to train himself and to learn to become human. Kittens, whose eyes were tied immediately after birth - could not "see" straight lines and kept tumbling over tightly strung cords. Even sense data involve some modicum and mode s of conceptualization (see: "Appendix 5 - The Manifold of Sense"). Even lower animals (worms) avoid unpleasant corners in mazes in the wake of nasty experiences.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Affects of Capital Punishment on Society Essay
â⬠To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justiceâ⬠( qtd. in Anti-Death Penalty). Capital punishment, or the death penalty, has been around in some sort of variation for centuries. It is enforced upon criminals who have been convicted of the most heinous crimes, such as homicide. There have been debates throughout time as whether or not the death penalty is appropriate punishment. Valid arguments of support and contradiction of capital punishment have come up over time, making citizens believe it is a tough decision for lawmakers to choose whether or not to allow the death penalty. The decision is simple. Capital Punishment should be abolished throughout the country because it is an unfair and unnecessary way of castigation that contains many flaws and serves no justice for those involved. Executions have been held in the United States as far back as history recognizes. Beginning in 1976, states have begun to come to their senses and finally abolish the death penalty. The number of American civilians who oppose the death penalty have also more than double since then, showing that more than one-third of the population now oppose capital punishment ( 2001Jost 948). Since 1976, more that 1,000 executions have occurred in the United States. Between the thirty-eight states that approve of the death penalty, and the thirty-two that have used in since 1976, there are five different execution methods that are available, each having their disadvantages ( Friedman 85). The first of these execution styles is death by hanging. Until the late 1800ââ¬â¢s, this type of murder was the primary execution type in the united states. Many states have since stopped hangings, but it has not been gotten rid of completely. Currently, it is still used in Delaware, Washington, and New Hampshire. The last record execution hanging dates back to January 25, 1996 in Delaware, when Billie Bailey was hung for being convicted of the murder of an elderly couple. Hanging is just one of the several disturbing ways in which ââ¬Å"justiceâ⬠is served in America ( Friedman 74). Another way of performing the death penalty is by the use of lethal gas. It is arguably the least violent of execution methods, and it does not mar, or disfigure, the body. There is little pain involved, and it takes minimal time to perform. Several states use this type of execution, including California, Maryland, Mississippi, and Wyoming. The latest recorded execution by lethal gas was in 1999 in Arizona ( Friedman 74). If there were such a thing as the ââ¬Å"bestâ⬠execution method, this would be the one. The rarest of type of performing capital punishment is by the use of a firing squad. First, the convicted is led into an execution room where he will sit upon a blood absorbing chair. He is placed before five gunmen, holding four bullet guns and a blank, so that the killers would not be identified. After being covered with a black hood, members of the firing squad aim for the heart, instantly killing the criminal. The latest firing squad execution was in January of 1996, when John Albert Taylor of Utah was sentenced to the death penalty. Death by firing squad is very uncommon and is used only upon an inmateââ¬â¢s request ( Friedman 74). The most currently used method of capital punishment is lethal injection. The performance consists of three drugs entering the bloodstream. They include sodium pentothal, which knocks out the person, pancuronium bromide, which causes widespread paralysis, and lastly, potassium chloride, which induces a heart attack, killing the convicted criminal. Death penalty supporters believe this type of injection is the most humane, because it is said that once the first drug enters the bloodstream, that the victim drifts off to sleep and feels no pain. However, there is no proof backing this theory up, and taking into the consideration of the strength of potassium chloride, it is nearly impossible to believe that the person does not feel any pain ( Friedman 77). Lastly, electrocution is the fifth and final type of execution. First introduced in the 1880ââ¬â¢s, it is currently the second most common type of criminal murder behind lethal injection. The process begins with the criminal being thoroughly shaved to avoid interference with the electrical current. Then they are strapped into an electrocution chair. A saline-moistened sponge is placed upon the personââ¬â¢s head to conduct the electric current that flows throughout the body. This is then covered by a metal hat. The prisoner is then blindfolded. A flip is then switched, sending anywhere from 500-2000 volts of electricity through the body, hoping to kill the person within seconds. Ten states allow this type of execution, and it is the only type of execution permitted in Nebraska. It is by far the most cruel type of criminal punishment, due to the fact that the prisoner is caused an immense amount of pain. A specific case involving this occurred in Alabama in 1983. John Louis Evans caught fire while being executed, and it took over 14 minutes before he was finally pronounced dead. All types of the death penalty are brutal murders, but electrocution by far is the worst ( Friedman 75). â⬠Because the current death penalty law, while neutral on its face, is applied in such a manner that people of color and the poor are disproportionately condemned to die, the law is legally and morally invalidâ⬠( qtd. in Friedman 61). Capital Punishment is a heinous type of punishment as it is, and the fact the majority of cases are unfair makes it even worse. If the death penalty is to continue, a better effort at least needs to be made to make sure that only defendants that by the lawmakers standards ââ¬Å"deserve to be killedâ⬠shall be executed. Whether the situation involves racism, the region in which the crime is committed in, financial wealth, or mental capacity, the death penalty is being unfairly applied upon too many individuals. Racism is one of the most common ways in which Capital punishment is unfairly enforced. In the year 2000, a series of studies was done by the United States Department of Justice. Results from the study show that Caucasians were more than twice as likely to receive plea-bargains in homicide cases than black defendants. A separate study showed that it was at least twice as likely that the prosecution would seek the death penalty if a black person killed a white person, than if a white person killed a black person. A similar 3,900 case study by Jack Boger, a law professor at the University of North Carolina, confirms the statement that if a white human is murdered, it is twice as likely the prosecution will seek the death penalty ( Progressive 135-36). The amount of black criminals that are on death row are beyond all imaginations. Richard Dieter, executive director of the Washington Death Penalty Information Center, did a studying on criminal cases in which capital punishment was sought by the prosecution. Results showed that 72% of these cases involved a black defendant. Amnesty International is also one of the many organizations that believe too that the death penalty is racist. The organizationââ¬â¢s evidence shows that since 1977, the amount of black and white murder victims are nearly equal. However, over 80% of these homicides that received the death penalty involved having a white victim ( 2001Jost 952). Black people are unfairly treated when it comes to capital punishment, but they are definitely not the only ones. Secondly, the unfairness of capital punishment is brought out by a defendantââ¬â¢s wealth. Poor defendants receive attorneys who are inexperienced, underpaid, and unmotivated, giving them slim chances of having a chance of innocence. A statement from the United Nations Human Rights Commission stated that an poverty-stricken criminalââ¬â¢s chances of receiving the death penalty increase immensely compared to a rich person, only because of a poor defensive argument ( Parks 57). Amnesty International also reports that 95% of inmates on death row are not even wealthy enough to afford their own attorney, possibly being the reason that they are there ( 2010Jost 973). Although it is said that money cannot buy happiness, it sure has the ability to keep a convicted criminal alive. Over the past few decades, it has been evident that many parts of the country overuse the death penalty quite a bit. In a 2004 study by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it shows that that the south has carried out 85% of the nations executions, with over half of executions in the United States coming from Virginia, Florida, and Texas, who leads the nation with over 375 executions since 1976 ( 2005Jost 789). Also, out of the top ten states in which capital punishment is used most, the furthest north is the state of Virginia. With all the evidence pointing towards the south becoming a safer place by executing vicious criminals, it is actually the exact opposite. The south has the highest crime rate throughout the country by far, and is the most dangerous region to live in. On the other hand, the northeast has performed the least number of executions. The region also has the lowest murder rate in the country ( Friedman 37). Evidence clearly shows that the south is executing way too many people, and it part of the explanation as to why the south has so many homicides. ââ¬Å"We shall never execute anybody who is mentally retardedâ⬠(qtd. in Progressive 132). This quote made by President George W. Bush shows that the debate of whether or not ââ¬Å"mentally retardedâ⬠criminals should be up for execution continues today. Before 2002, 36 states had prohibited the use of capital punishment on ââ¬Å"mentally retardedâ⬠defendants. In June of 2002, the supreme court issued a ruling, ending the execution of those with intellectual disabilities. Although this may sound like good news, it still is not nearly enough. Regulations for states classification of an intellectual disabled person include a significantly limited amount of functioning and behavior, and some states include that the defendant must have an IQ below 65 to be considered ââ¬Å"mentally retardedâ⬠. These limitations may prevent some executions for mentally slow people, but certainly not all. One of the most nationwide known cases of this involved Virginiaââ¬â¢s Earl Washington. In 1983, Washington, having an IQ of 69, was convinced by police that he was guilty of the rape and murder of a Virginia woman. After confessing he was sentenced to execution. In 2000, just days before his execution date, Earl was pronounced innocent and released from prison ( Intellectual Disability). This is just one of the many examples of unknown injustices that occur when mentally slow persons are available to receive the death penalty, no matter what their IQ is. It is believed that there are still over 600 people on death row that can be considered in some way, ââ¬Å"mentally retardedâ⬠( Ross 84). Capital punishment in the United States has numerous problems that hurts the justice system immensely. While real criminals are executed and taken off the street, the proââ¬â¢s of execution do not outweigh the disadvantages of it. Cost, exoneration, time spent on death row, and the fact that capital punishment does not deter murder are all major issues that need to be understood so that people fully understand why the death penalty should be abolished. â⬠The extra money spent on the death penalty could be spent on other means of achieving justice and making the community safer: compensation for victims, better lighting in crime areas, more police on streets, or longer periods of incarceration for certain offendersâ⬠( Friedman 12). Cost is a big issue when it comes to the choice between capital punishment or keeping a criminal behind bars for life. Many believe that execution saves the country a great deal of money. It actually is the exact opposite, causing states such as Florida and Indiana an extra forty million dollars on executions annually for each state. The average cost of an execution in the United States ranges anywhere from 2-5 million dollars. This includes the time spent on death row, plus the execution itself. The cost to keep a criminal in prison until death is around $760,000. This surprises many individuals and knowing more information on the death penalty may changes the Capital Punishment views of Amer icans ( Fagan). The United States is known for being the most active state when it comes to executions. Those who believe this statement are absolutely correct, because the United States has more death row inmates than any other country in the world ( American Civil Liberties Union 126). All of these people on death row also spend an incredibly long time on death row, which is a main reason that the cost of an execution is so much. In most cases, a death row inmate will spend 10-20 years on average in prison before they are executed. This is due to several things. One is that the government wants to be absolutely sure that the criminal is guilty as charged, even though innocent people have still been executed. Another reason is the numerous appeals that these possibly innocent people file, trying to convince others of their innocence. These issues are important in showing that death row is full of inmates for years, where instead, the inmates could be at normal prisons serving a life sentence ( Frie dman 11). In August of 1993, Ruben Cantu of Texas was executed on charges of robbery and homicide. Later, new evidence, as well as a signed statement by the confessed murder, proved Cantuââ¬â¢s innocence. Many death row inmates have been exonerated through the history of Capital Punishment, and Ruben Cantu is one of many who have been wrongly executed. Another case involved Frank Lee Smith, who was convicted of raping and murdering an eight-year-old girl. Smith spend fourteen years on death row and died of cancer. It was later proven that he was innocent of all charges. Since 1989, there have been more than 180 post conviction exonerations, thanks to the use of DNA technology. The average person who has been exonerated in one of the 31 states where they have occurred has wrongfully spent twelve years behind bars ( Friedman 21). That is more than 180 too many, and not one of those wrongful convictions was necessary.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Telephone Vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese
The conventions for making and answering phone calls in Mandarin Chinese are similar to English. The main difference is that calls are usually answered with ââ" ºwà ¨i, which is a way of saying ââ¬Å"helloâ⬠used only on the phone. Knowledge of Mandarin numbers from zero to 9 is needed to give and understand phone numbers, so we will begin with a Mandarin number review. Mandarin Number Review Audio files are marked with ââ" º 0 ââ" ºlà ng1 ââ" ºyà «2 ââ" ºÃ ¨r3 ââ" ºsà n4 ââ" ºsà ¬5 ââ" ºwÃâ6 ââ" ºlià ¹7 ââ" ºqà «8 ââ" ºbà 9 ââ" ºjiÃâ Telephone Vocabulary é⺠»Ã¨ © ±mobile phoneââ" ºxà ng dà ²ng dià n huà / ââ" ºshÃâu jà «Ã¨ ¡Å'Ã¥â¹â¢Ã©âº »Ã¨ © ± / æâ°â¹Ã¦ ©Å¸faxââ" ºchuà ¡n zhÃânå⠳çÅ"Ÿhello (for telephone only)ââ" ºwà ¨iÃ¥â"âwhat telephone number?ââ" ºjà hà oÃ¥ ¹ ¾Ã¨â¢Å¸call the wrong numberââ" ºdÃÆ' cuà ² leæâ°âéÅ' ¯Ã¤ ºâ busy lineââ" ºjiÃŽng huà zhÃ
ngè ¬âºÃ¨ © ±Ã¤ ¸ answer the phoneââ" ºjiÃâ dià n huà æŽ ¥Ã©âº »Ã¨ © ±please wait a momentââ" ºqà ng dÃâºng yà « xià è «â¹Ã§ â°Ã¤ ¸â¬Ã¤ ¸â¹please leave a message (verbal)ââ" ºqà ng lià º yà ¡nè «â¹Ã§â¢â¢Ã¨ ¨â¬leave a message (written)ââ" ºlià º zà ¬ tià ¡oçâ¢â¢Ã¥ â"æ ¢ area codeââ" ºqÃ
« yà ¹ mÃŽå â¬Ã¥Å¸Å¸Ã§ ¢ ¼internationalââ" ºguà ³ jà ¬Ã¥Å"â¹Ã©Å¡âºlong distanceââ" ºchà ¡ng tà ºÃ©â¢ ·Ã©â¬âdirect dialââ" ºzhà bÃ
ç⺠´Ã¦â ¥telephone companyââ" ºdià n xà ¬n jà ºÃ¢â¬â¹Ã©âº »Ã¤ ¿ ¡Ã¥ ±â¬ Telephone Dialogue One A: Hello.B: Hello. Is Mr. Wang there?A: Iââ¬â¢m sorry, you have the wrong numberB: Is this 234-5677?A: No, this is 234-9877.B: Sorry!A: No problem.A: ââ" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ" ºWà ¨i. Qà ng wà ¨n Wà ¡ng xià n sheng zà i ma?A: ââ" ºDuà ¬ bu qà , nà dÃŽ cuà ² le.B: ââ" ºZhà ¨ là shà ¬ 234-5677 ma?A: ââ" ºBà º shà ¬, zhà ¨ là shà ¬ 234-9877.B: ââ" ºDuà ¬ bu qà .A: ââ" ºMà ©i guà n xi.A: Ã¥â"âB: Ã¥â"â. è «â¹Ã¥â¢ çŽâ¹Ã¥â¦ËçâŸåÅ" ¨Ã¥â"Ž?A: Ã¥ ° ä ¸ è µ · ä ½ æâ°âéÅ' ¯Ã¤ ºâ B: éâ¬â¢Ã¨ £ ¡Ã¦Ë ¯234-5677Ã¥â"Ž?A: ä ¸ Ã¦Ë ¯ éâ¬â¢Ã¨ £ ¡Ã¦Ë ¯234-9877B: Ã¥ ° ä ¸ è µ ·A: æ ²âéâ"Å"ä ¿â Telephone Dialogue Two A: Hello.B: Hello, is Mr. Wang there?A: Please wait a moment.A: Hello.B: Hello Mr. Wang, this is Li from Da Xing Company. Did you receive our company information that I sent you?A: Hello Mr. Li. Yes, I received it, and I will call you back later to talk about it.B: OK ââ¬â very good.A: Goodbye.B: Goodbye.A: ââ" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ" ºWà ¨i. Qà ng wà ¨n Wà ¡ng xià n sheng zà i ma?A: ââ" ºQà ng dÃâºng yà « xià .A: ââ" ºWà ¨i.B: ââ" ºWà ¡ng xià n sheng nà hÃŽo. WÃâ shà ¬ Dà Xà «ng gÃ
ng sà « de Là n dà mà ng. Nà shÃ
u dà o wÃâ jà ¬ gÃâºi nà de zà « lià o le ma?A: ââ" ºLà n xià n sheng nà hÃŽo. YÃâu wÃâ shÃ
u dà o le. WÃŽn yà « diÃŽn wÃâ zà i dÃŽ dià n huà gÃân nà tÃŽo là ¹n.ââ¬â¹B: ââ" ºHÃŽo de.A: ââ" ºZà i jià n.B: ââ" ºZà i jià n.A: Ã¥â"âB: Ã¥â"â è «â¹Ã¥â¢ çŽâ¹Ã¥â¦ËçâŸåÅ" ¨Ã¥â"Ž?A: è «â¹Ã§ â°Ã¤ ¸â¬Ã¤ ¸â¹A: Ã¥â"âB: çŽ⹠åâ¦ËçâŸä ½ Ã¥ ¥ ½ æËâÃ¦Ë ¯Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¨ËËå⦠¬Ã¥ ¸Ã§Å¡âæžâ"Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¦ËŽ ä ½ Ã¦â ¶Ã¥Ë °Ã¦ËâÃ¥ ¯âç µ ¦Ã¤ ½ çšâè ³â¡Ã¦â"â¢Ã¤ ºâ Ã¥â"ŽA: æžâ"Ã¥â¦ËçâŸä ½ Ã¥ ¥ ½ æÅ"ⰠæËâÃ¦â ¶Ã¥Ë °Ã¤ ºâ æâ¢Å¡Ã¤ ¸â¬Ã© »Å¾Ã¦ËâÃ¥â æâ°âé⺠»Ã¨ © ±Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¤ ½ è ¨Å½Ã¨ «â"B: Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã§Å¡âA: Ã¥â è ¦â¹B: Ã¥â è ¦â¹
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